A Crash Course in Love and Life: Day 18

Title of Art Work: Soulmate by Sue Turahyi

Day 18

Giving up what we desire and letting go of those we love is without doubt one of the biggest challenges we face in life. Often, we get angry and plead desperately to God, “Don’t let it happen. I’ll give anything to keep…” We attempt to bargain with God, forgetting that all we have – all our blessings, and our loved ones – are temporary gifts. Instead of arguing with the Lord, seek refuge in him. Bring your sorrow, heartbreak, and fears to him. Nothing in life is permanent except for our relationship with God, the Eternal.

Let us assess today who and what we need to let go or allow to change. 


Change is hard to tolerate. It may frighten you, especially change in relationships that matter the most to you. Is there change that your spouse, partner, child, or friend is longing for, but you keep hoping won’t happen? If so, bring your challenge to God today and ask him to open your heart and take away your fear.