Dr. Daniela Schreier
Your Relationships Are My Business

The Daily Dose With DrD
Welcome to The Daily Dose With DrD. Choose Change. Be Inspired. Start your journey with Dr. Daniela. Your Relationships Are My Business.
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To You: Dear Visitor and Travel Companion
On the road towards compassion and understanding, we will learn to surrender to something greater than ourselves. The reward is extraordinary personal growth into a world that is wider than we ever could have imagined. Dr. Daniela Schreier, The Colors of the Rainbow, p. 19 We are all on this journey together … Whatever brought

Majulah Singapura
Words of Gratitude and Appreciation Gratitude and humility send signals to all who meet us that we’re all connected to something larger than life itself. Namaste Dr. Wayne Dyer It is with deep gratitude and joy that I am writing these introductory post to my Singapore blog. I fell in love with Singapore – the beautiful

Dogs are the Best People
Dr Maxl Opines on Keval Singh’s Hong Kong Dog Flies Business Class, and Some Netizens Bite Back Hi, I am Dr. Max! I am a professional Maltese dog, co-psychologist, and Renaissance man. The uproar of some netizens concerning my fellow dog Fifi flying business class cannot but originate from their unfamiliarity with dogs’ characteristics: high level

A Crash Course in Love and Life Day 39
Title of the Artwork: New Journey – Lotus by Sue Turayhi Your reputation is in the hands of others. That’s what the reputation is. You can’t control that. The only thing you can control is your character. Dr. Wayne Dyer Day 39 Don’t judge yourself based on people’s opinions of you. Other people’s views fluctuate and are bound to their level

On Change: Always Grateful – Never Jealous and Resentful
I am grateful to all of those who said no. It’s because of them, I did it myself – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Dr. Wayne Dyer “It’s not fair! Why not me, why do I work so hard, will I ever get there, why is that happening?” It’s so easy to compare, become restless, and

A Crash Course in Love and Life: Day 18
Title of Art Work: Soulmate by Sue Turahyi Day 18 Giving up what we desire and letting go of those we love is without doubt one of the biggest challenges we face in life. Often, we get angry and plead desperately to God, “Don’t let it happen. I’ll give anything to keep…” We attempt to

A Crash Course in Love and Life: Day 17
A Crash Course in Love and Life was published in 2016. The link will guide you to the audio book. The narrator Clay Lomakayu has a powerful voice and conveys the meaning of each meditation very well. Generosity is a great virtue. After all the last shirt has no pockets. But generosity is more than

To Be Grounded
Nature generally offers us the best examples hence attempt to be like an old tree. Firmly grounded, yet flexible. – Dr. Daniela

A Crash Course in Love and Life: Day 10
Title of Artwork: Field of Energy by Sue Turayhi We can’t avoid loss and suffering in life. But we can avoid to get stuck by them. We can learn to accept painful experiences, allow them to transform us and outgrow them. Dr. Daniela Schreier Day 10 In life, we cannot avoid suffering and occasional tribulations.

A Crash Course in Love and Life: Day 9
Daily Meditations for the 40 Days of Lent or Anytime of Year Conflict cannot survive without your participation. Dr. Wayne Dyer Day 9 When you encounter difficult people, remember that they are guides. Too often, we get angry at them when in the long run, God sent them to teach us a lesson. Make this

A Crash Course in Love and Life: Day 8
Daily Meditations for the 40 Days of Lent and Any Time of Year If you judge people, you have no time to love them. Saint Teresa of Calcutta Day 8 Grace is the ability to be patient, and to forgive. It’s easy to judge but much harder to be compassionate and to forgive. Generally, we are most