To You: Dear Visitor and Travel Companion

On the road towards compassion and understanding, we will learn to surrender to something greater than ourselves. The reward is extraordinary personal growth into a world that is wider than we ever could have imagined.

Dr. Daniela Schreier, The Colors of the Rainbow, p. 19

We are all on this journey together …

Whatever brought you here, dear fellow companion, I am grateful for your visit and appreciate your time – a finite commodity hence very precious. Whatever you are in search of on your journey through life, I hope you may find, embrace, honor, and take responsibility for it.

Maybe you decide to look around for a while, see what this site offers, and you may even reach out to me. I treasure whatever inquiry you may send. Maybe you decide this is not the right place for you. In this case I wish you a safe journey onward.

In terms of therapy, couples counseling, coaching, consultations, I believe interpersonal or relational fit is highly important. One does not fit all; professional accomplishments are meaningful, so are strategic interventions. Yet, for the flame to be ignited, it needs a “match” and connectivity not just the application of theory.

In terms of therapy and coaching, I believe we are all experts in our own life experience while the doc or in this case professional psychologist, coach or modern day guru 😊 is the so-called expert in psychological or coaching processes. Hence, I see my role as a) a copy-editor and b) as sort of a “professional” good friend The adage proclaims, ”it takes a good friend to tell the truth;” or to suggest a different truth and perspective.”

To some extent, you must make peace with the fact that you can not change anybody else – but yourself. Appreciate that fact – then take a good look at yourself (the outside and the inside). Appreciate what works (that may be hard for you – many people struggle to identify and value their strengths while some overidentify with all virtues most of which they never exercised) and start Your journey towards light and change (no one else can do it for you – read again no one else can do it for you). On your journey you will learn to take responsibility… I mean to take responsibility for all and everything in your life. You did not cause all the trouble and pain you may be facing – yet as it is on your plate you have to deal with it; you will have to solve or tolerate it; put it in perspective or move beyond it.

One life, one journey…your journey …dear fellow traveller… here is wishing you joy, happiness, contentment, and peace and here is reminding you that each of these wonderful feelings, states of being are transient and can only be experienced when you also tasted their opposites trials and tribulations.

Selamat Datang! Welcome! Herzlich Willkommen! Bienvenue! Benvenuto! Bem-vindo! Bienvenido! Bienvenido! 欢迎!வரவேற்பு!
स्वागत! خوش آمدید!